Thursday, October 31, 2019
Media comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media comparison - Essay Example This made the consulate an easy target. Al Jazeera explains that the Libyan bureaucrats had given stern warnings to the American envoys to vacate the building just before the attack (Ryan, 2012). This was after the Libyan citizens began to protest against a movie ridiculing the Prophet Muhammed of the Muslim community. However, the diplomats did not listen to them. The building was finally attacked leading to the sudden deaths of the US ambassador to Libya among other three Americans. Ten Libyans were also killed. Fawzi Abd al-Aali, a representative of eastern Libyaââ¬â¢s interior ministry, stressed that the Americans could have escaped in the first few hours of the protest when the crowd was still manageable (Ryan, 2012). He also accredited the disaster to the stateââ¬â¢s inability to enforce security and also the uncontrolled possession of heavy weapons by ordinary citizens. However, the report according to the US Media Consulting is different. It suggests that the attack had probably been organized and preplanned by the al-Qaida and dismisses the claims that there had been an anti-American protest. Moreover, the report claims that Christopher Stevens had always raised alarms that his life was in danger, specifically spotting the fact that he had been listed in the al-Qaida punch record. Political analysts associate this to his continuous concern with al-Qaidas growing numbers in Libyan main towns. According to the US Media Consulting industry, the attack was organized by the al-Qaida probably with the help of the former Guantanamo Bay inmate Sufyan Ben Qumu (Post, 2012). Comparing the two reports, it can be deduced that most media firms always tend to be biased. The report according to the US Media Consulting firm tends to dismiss the fact that the attack on the United States consulate in Bhengazi was due to the anti-American protest (Post, 2012). The coverage seems to be biased trying to protect the American image. Instead, it blames the al-Qaida for the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case study #3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
#3 - Case Study Example Age: with the advancement of age, the condition of presbycussis may become more profound having started from early adulthood sometimes from as young as 18 years. It may occur due to prolonged exposure to noise. Noise inducement: in case one gets exposed at a time to very high frequency sounds, then one can become either partially or permanently deaf. It may be due to destruction of sensorineural nerves. The higher the pitch of the sound exposed to may vary the extent of damage to the ear. Very high noise causes a higher degree of damage in much shorter time than low levels of noise. Genetics: sometimes deafness conditions can be hereditary. Where dominant genes exist between parents, the higher are the chances of the offspring acquiring deafness. Modern science identifies non syndrome and recessive types of deafness. Boys Town Hospital is an institute in Nebraska researching genetic and hereditary deafness. Their website reveals genetic fact sheets and information regarding syndromes related to deafness. Moreover, they offer recruitment to people willing to learn about hearing impairment. It is duly registered by the Registry for Research on Hereditary Hearing Impairment. Lastly, New York Rockefeller has also conducted studies investigating non-syndrome impairment. Other Universities and Medical research institutes across the globe have taken steps to ease the diagnosis and possible remedies on the condition. Ferdinand Berthier was an intellectual and an educator in the late 19th century in France. He was born deaf. He was also a political organiser in France politics. He was the founder of the first organisation that took good care of deaf people. He fought for recognition of deaf people in such capacities as political seats, leadership roles in organisations, stating that disability is not inability. The aim of the organization was, ââ¬Å"to bring together all the deaf
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Managing Information system in Multi National Companies
Managing Information system in Multi National Companies Implementing Managing Information system in Multi National Companies (MNC) Multi National Companies: The multinational company that has its facility in other country other than native place means in different country head office in one country and branches in the other country, the head office will control the all sub branches due to the global management, with this global management the multinational companies have very large and increasing the jobs and economy of the small countries. All major multinational companies are from America, Japanese or western European like wall-mart (in U k its is known as ASDA) Coca-Cola, Honda and famous BMW, the multinational companies will say that they all are increasing the job in different countries and as well as wealth and technology also increasing in the small countries and those companies will helping to country to develop the country. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/multinationalcorporation.asp Multinational companies and global business: Today the global products have demands from global customers and multinational companies are realize the cost advantages in traditional input factors like labour, raw materials. Finally the multinational companies are decided to investment in the knowledge and technology on the global basis. Computer business allow the multinational companies to provide service around the world wide, now a days the global market is on boom because Example:- the product which will lunched on America, the same product will receive the Europeans with the global market the product will lunched in the Europe also for this the company growth will increase and the job vacancies also increases so indirectly the MNC will helping to country to develop and the MNC sub branches in different countries like call centres to service the customer and helping them to using the product. As the world economy continues to globalize and integrate, the imperatives for management to act in a globalized manner become more crucial. Companies must therefore rethink and reengineer their entire business processes their organizational structures, staffing, and especially their information systems and technology infrastructures on an international level. Those which fail to do this will never be able to attain or maintain a competitive edge in global market. Information System Services Structures In Multinational Companies: If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed.Download the original attachment Research on IS shows that alignment between IS and organisation is kost important issue. The alignment issues of IS and multinational companies (MNCs), particularly in the area of IS services in multinational environment. The factors which control this issues are ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXT SYSTEM OWNER SYSTEM GOAL DATA PEOPLE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE COMPUTER SYSTEM AND ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT over the past years re-alignment and removal of national boundaries around the world has been achieved by restructuring of national economic policies by opening many routes for international trading. This solved the problems faced in IS management by introducing this issues across a number of cultural barriers. A Multinational Company (MNC) can be defined as a company that has operations in more than one domestic area, that is at least one foreign subsidiary company should exist. Compared to domestic companies the major difference in managing MNCs relates to distance, time, and variability in multinational operations. The headquarters and their subsidiaries are located in different areas and even in different time zones over the globe which affect the coordination between headquarters and subsidiaries which is further complicated to balance the subsidiaries demands for delegation of authority due to regional difference in foreign markets against headquarters demands. Multi domestic MNCs view world as a composition of number of different domestic markets, they will decentralize all decision making authority to subsidiaries. In this subsidiary can be regarded as a fully autonomous unit (Each subsidiary acts as a single entity without the need of coordination with other groups). This is referred to as decentralized MNC. Global MNCs view world as a single market, they control all the subsidiaries as a single entity and they ignore differences contingent in markets. In this decision making authorities are centralized and this form of MNC is referred as centralized MNC.As decentralization requires strong central direction, to be successful in decentralized approach it requires as much direction as centralization. Here exist an intermediate form of MNC Transnational MNCs which emphasize the tension between force for integrationand national responsiveness. In this decision making authority should be divided among the locations. It should be partly centralised at headquarters to locate corporate issues (strategic) and partlybe decentralized into subsidiaries to take care of local issues. (Operational). Is And Organisation Alignment-Is Resources Distribution: IS and organisational alignment issues is restricted to the structural alignment between IS and organisational characteristics of MNCs and is particularly focused on IS resources distribution domain. The discussion of alignment is based on fitness approach. Organisational Context: Different business strategies affect the location of decision making. Hence different degree of IS centralization / decentralization is demended to meet the needs.It is also the case that the greater level of international involvement of MNC,the greater the degree of heterogenous environment that the MNC will face. Systems Owner A view of the world that is homogenous influence top management to adopt global strategies and to produce standards products. this resultant will effect on the structuring of IS services, centralized IS is more suitable for a company with a homogenous view of world. System Goal Different IS services organization are oriented towards goals and focuses on centralized IS and tend to facilitate effeciency in use of companys resources such as data, people, resources etc.,Centralization of IS supervise information access and achieve large measure of control over supply of informatio, there fore it favours effeciency and control. Data: If Greater the degree of the data shared, the more centralized IS services should be done to reduce duplication.All the unshared data should be decentralized into subsidiary locations to enhance the sence of data. Centralization generates an environment where it is more easier to ensure data standards. People: Centralized IS structure assist in creating an attractive environment for technical staff by providing techinical IS career path. Decentralization encourages the transfer of knowledge from IS staff to users and vice versa. Different level of technology development and education infrastructures of countries means that required IS skills may not be available in all countries.suitable qualified IS staff are available in headquarter office . centralized makes it easier to carry out techinical support and decentralized IS staff can be found in subsidiary countries. Finally the salaries of IS professionals are largely dependent on economic situations of the country from where he is hired. Organizational Structure: Global organizational structure have most information processing capacity in the headquarters, where decisions are made, to pass information in the organization. organization structure have processing capacity located in the subsidiaries, where decisions are made by supporting decentralization of IS services. Computer Systems A centralized IS can assist in maintaining high level of systems security by concentrating in all resources in one site which is easier to implement various procedures . A decentralized IS can assist in maintaining a high level system reliability in different sites. so that each system can act as a backup. Required hardware and software may not be available in all countries ,which is a problem intensified by various factors. IS services should be centralized to make it easier in getting required hardware and software.IS should be decentralized to facilitate technical support and development. Organization Environment: MNCs use monopolistic power to crush competitionand to gain favourable ratingsfor investment.Government therefore , sought to exercise control over multinational corporations operating under their jurisdiction. further setting up IS services in subsidiaries will involve a huge investment from MNCs. Information systems strategies for multinational companies in Arab Gulf countries: With the emergence of an expanding inter -dependent global economy, information systems (IS) strategies need to face the challenges of internationalization. The growth of multinational business has led many corporations to support significantly high level of IS operations and IS applications development in foreign environments. By developing a conceptual framework, this paper addresses multinational companies (MNCs) IS global policy formulation and several implications for IS management issues in Arab Gulf countries (AGC). The objective is to illustrate the uniqueness of the business and IS problems confronting MNCs in AGC. Insights have been gained from examining the implications of the pertinent economic, sociopolitical, legal, and cultural variables that affect MNC IS global policy formulation. The uniqueness of the business and IS problems confronting MNCs in the AGC are illustrated. Helping MNC IS executives/professionals to understand the differences between their own environme nt and the one in which they must operate can improve their IS functions in this region. AGC native companies with IS activities can also benefit from such an analysis in managing their multinational personnel. Information systems for multinational enterprisessome factors at work in their design and implementation: Information systems for multinational companies (MNCs), referred to as international information systems (IIS), have been a problem area for many years, yet have failed to attract more than token attention from the academic information systems research community. This study applies a grounded theory method to establish a first theoretical framework dealing with the structure of IIS and the dynamics of their development and implementation. The substantive theory is based on extensive, long-term work with three MNCs and covers four key areas: (a) the dealings between the actors concerned with an IIS take place in a force field; (b) the force field is reflected in a generic two-dimensional architecture an IIS, which always has a core of systems used by all (or many) of the regions and local systems, different at every regional site; (c) the balance of functionality between the core and the local parts of an IIS follows the degree to which the operations of the MNC require synchronous ac cess to data and processing within the IIS. (d) The interactions of IT and users in the force field follow a cyclical, self-reinforcing dialectic such that an enforced consensus process is required in order to boost acceptance and to limit the probability that continuing rejection leads to catastrophic failure. The Globalization of Information Technology in Multinational Corporations. The most significant business trends during the 1990s has been sharply increased in global business activity. There is no sign that this growth will abate. The explosive growth of the internet and the world wide webtechnologies which are inherently global in character which has been equal or greater significance. these trends create unprecedented challenges and opportunities for multinational companies.The managers of multinational companies provided information to respond effectively, they need to be fully conversant with important issues related to international aspects of document technologies and business record keeping. this brief introduction was written for information specialist i,e computer specialist, record managers, knowledge management specialists,and other international initiatives at multi national corporations. Globalizing the IT Infrastructure: To under stand clearly about international information management for multinational corporation,to know it first we should undestand agendas of information technology departments as they attempt to extend their global reach through out the economies of many countries. The goal of IT departments of multinational companies can be simply stated: To create globally integrated information infrastructures that electronically link their entire supply chains their sales, production, and delivery processes. Executives of multinational companies see many benefits to this global integration of information systems, including shorter cycle and delivery times, closer relationships with business partners, greater flexibility in sourcing products or services, better inventory controls, and of course, improved customer satisfaction, cost reductions, and increased profits. In short, a more competitive business. If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed.Download the original attachment MIS: MIS is generally defined as an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management and decision-making functions in an organisation.The system utilizes computer hardware and software;manual procedures, models for analysis, planning, control and decision-making and a distance. It is also popularly knows as the information system, the information and decision system, the computer-based information system. According to Institute of Management Accounts, U.K. MIS is a system in which defined data are collected, processed and communicated to assist those responsible for the use of resources. According to G.B. Davis, Management information system is an integrated man/machine system for providing information to support the operations, management and decision-making function in an organisation. The management information system has been described as a pyramid structure (four levels are there in pyramid). Each level of information processing may make use of data provided for lower levels; but new data may also be introduced. Nature of management information system: Report-Orientation: In the early years, the function of Management Information System was to process data from the organisation and present it in the form of reports at regular intervals.Information being the finished product was prepared after processing the raw data. So because of this fact the concept of management information system is further modified, as information rather then voluminous data has become the requirement of the user. Action- oriented: This concept was further modified due to the need that information should be suh that it leads to some action, decision or investigation or research. Exception-oriented: After having action-oriented nature of Management Information System it was realised that there must be some specific or selective approach to the action or the analysis of data. Database orientation: As we know our environment is dynamic in nature so the change in every system is must. So is the case with Management Information System as the business environment becomes competitive. To fulfill this need, a common data base is prepared which can be used by each and every individual accordingly. End-User orientation: After successfully implementing these changes, the concept of end user computing using multiple data bases emerged.This concept brought a basis changes in the nature of Management Information System that is decentralization of system and independency of user over computer professionals or experts. Academic Discipline Orientation: Management Information System is based on the information gathered for analyzing the data. While analyzing the data it relies in many academic disciplines like theories, principles, and concepts from management, organization behaviour, computer science, psychology and human behavior. Scope of MIS: 1) MIS is an integrated system for providing information to support: The operations; Management; Decision-making functions in an organisation. 2) MIS utilizes computer hardware/software, manual procedures, management and decision models, and data base. 3) MIS has a pyramidal structure: Bottom layer provides information for transaction processing. The next level provides information resource to support routine operations. The third level offers information resources to hale tactical planning and decision making for middle management planning control The top level presents information resources in support of strategic planning and policy making by top management groups. Characteristics of MIS: MIS is a comprehensive coordinated set of information sub-systems, which are rationally integrated and transform data into information, in a variety of ways to increase productivity in conformity with the management style of working. Thus, the following are the main characteristics of MIS: MIS is an Integrated System MIS is a sub-system concept MIS provides relevent information to management MIS is flexible MIS enhances productivity MIS is a coordinated system MIS is a feed back system MIS is management oriented MIS is management directed MIS is common database MIS is distributed data processing MIS is a computerised system MIS transforms the data into information Objectives of MIS: When any organisation wishes to establish the MIS, it must be very clear about the need of information required by the different levels of management. Following are the reasons for the adoption of the MIS: To store and manage data effeciently from all the functional areas of the business. To process the collected data and derive information out of them. To provide information quickly as and when required. To collect and store the data for the purpose of internal research. To provide the information regarding production and inventory. To provide information for planning, organizing and controlling purpose. To smooth up the flow of data through various levels of the organisation. To speed up the execution of the results with the reliable data available. Importance of MIS: In present business organisations, MIS plays a very important role. It is a process of collection and storage of the data useful for the organisation. Executives retrieve these data, when required and process for generating information.Previously, the business organisation were not perceived as a system. All the functional areas were independent and there was not a cross discussion amongst the managers of different functional areas.However, in present days,all departments hold equal responsibility. This mechanism helps the organization to achieve its objectives effectively and economically. Thus, the following points can summarize the importance of MIS: It helps in minimizing risk in decision-making. it processes the data and derives information out of them. it provides information about the various aspects of business. It helps the executives to avail the information regarding the functional areas quickly. The data base helps in conducting research. The data stored are used as secondary data. It helps in preparing corporate report. Limitations of MIS: The quality of the operation of management information system depends on the quality of input process. MIS is not a substitute for effective management. MIS may not have requisite flexibility to quickly update itself with the changing needs of times, especially in a fast changing and complex environment. MIS can not provide tailor-made information packages suitable for the purpose of every type of decision made by executives. MIS is less usefull in non-programmed decisions which are not of routine nature. MIS is not successful where secrecy is maintained in adisseminating information to their workers.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Is Abortion Ever Justfied? Essays -- essays research papers
Is abortion ever justified? If not, why? If it depends, then on what? It is not unreasonable to suggest that the vast majority of people consider it morally wrong to kill other persons. There may be examples of situations where the killing of a person may be justifiable, although they are by no means universally consented to, such as killing in self defence or as a form of capital punishment, but taken in isolation it is generally accepted that to kill is wrong. Therefore in the debate between pro and anti abortionists must centre around two essential questions: whether a foetus is a person, and if so when a foetus becomes a person; and whether abortion can be said to be self defence. Possibly the deepest dilemma for an anti abortionist concerns the stage at which a foetus can be said to be alive, in the sense in which we would refer to a child after it is born. It seems absurd to think that in the relatively short time which the birth takes, the babyââ¬â¢s status will be so radically altered yet an almost mystical store is set by birth as for the first time we can distinguish a distinct personality, and directly interact with the infant . However, it is a largely unfounded significance in ethical terms as birth is often governed by contingent factors and the time of birth can be manipulated. Also to be considered is the fact that if the baby is ready to emerge from the womb, then surely it possesses enough properties for us to consider it in some sense a person. For example, if not than an eight month old foetus would not have the same claim to personhood as a two-month-old baby born prematurely at six months even though they are of similar developmental stage s. Thus other stages of pregnancy are more commonly cited as the point in which personhood begins. John Grigg adopts the stance that there is a life that comes into existence as soon as conception occurs: ââ¬Å"To my mind life begins at the moment of conceptionâ⬠¦ Conception is the magic moment.â⬠(John Grigg, in the Guardian, 29 October 1973) This view may be problematic if we consider that life does not necessarily imply personhood. We may claim that the foetus is a human being but this merely implies that it is a member of our species, and not that of another. Yet it is at least true to say that a foetus, even in the earliest stages of pregnancy has the potential to be a person. This is slightly differe... ...elf defence, even though the foetus has no intention to harm the woman, it is a sad situation in which both parties might be thought of as morally blameless. However, can any abortion said to be self-defence? The reaction to an intrusion in the home may be said to be defence, yet a house is worth far less than your own body. The title question of this essay and the questions raised within it remain unconcluded. The problem is not that there are no answers, rather there are too many. The issue is complicated further by the fact that every single situation is different. Abortion is a very personal issue that effects many people in the world, the average Russian woman has twelve abortions in her life, it is also an especially emotional subject. Abortion is justified everyday, however whether it is a practice that can be morally justified with any universal consent is another issue. The only way I can see that abortion might receive the most moral acceptance, is that if it is presented on the grounds that we must all step back and respect that other moral agents have a right to make autonomous decisions, regardless of what we think about the way they choose to assert their autonomy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Health assessment roper logan tienery
One draw of the field of nursing is the ability for nurses to individualize their care plans for their patients. In order to ensure that unique patients are able to get healthy, they need nursing care plans as unique as they are. This means assessment and evaluation of each patient before and during care.Nancy Roper's desire to become a nurse started in childhood, and as a result of her experiences and education, she, along with two of her colleagues, developed the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing to assess patients' level of independence and provide the best ndividualized care for them. The Roper-Logan-Tierney Model for nursing is a theory of nursing care based on activities of daily living, which often abbreviated ADLs or ALs. The purpose of the theory is as an assessment used throughout the patient care. which is often used to assess how the life of a patient has changed due to illness , injury or admission to a hospital rather than as a way of planning for increasing independ ence and quality of life. This model is related to the lifespan of the Individual, identifying twelve activities f living: maintain a safe environment, communication, breathing, eating and drinking, elimination, washing and dressing, controlling temperature, mobilization, working and playing and sleeping.Each of it is influenced by five identified factors, which are biological, psychological, socio-culture, environment and politico economic This model is used in conjunction with the nursing process to Identify actual potential problems for the Individual and how nursing care can advance the patient along the dependence to Independence continuum.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Coke Cola Face Csr Problem in India
(1)Indian government traditionally undervalue the business activities. Politics and leisure are gained more value than work. While in U. S. , American dream emphasis on working hard for personal value, business and politics gain the same social respect. (2)India has many political and legal issues with foreign investors. Indian law to some extent is ambiguous when handling the lawsuits with foreign investors,which may have been the reason causing problems for Cokeââ¬â¢s operations in India? 3) Both countries may have different ways of doing businesses. Foreign investors should consider the fact that every culture is different and they need their own practices (polycentric), if Coke still thinks its American style of business operation is better and practices it in India(ethnocentric), the consumers in India will regard those practices as wrong and inappropriate. This could also have been the reason why India blame on the water contamination and shortage caused by Coke.Coke and Pep siAs the Indian people interpret silence as guilt, thus the representatives of Coke should response quickly: firstly, to apologize for the destroying of water resources in India, and then do some compensation for the local people. secondly,find ways independently or Corporate with authoritative NGOS to solve the problem. It is very important for Coke to built good reputation and consumer loyalty in international market. thirdly, learn from what Pepsi does: doing CSR such as digging village wells, trying best to reduce water waste,etc. these measures could help to interact with local people, improve relationships with government and the public.From global standardization to localization Change the style of advertisement to fit the flavor of Indian people. Add some Indian cultural factors to the can package. Take more CSR as what Pepsi did. Improving relationships with Indian government and the public. Start to communicate with local consumers, and response quickly. Because in India, keep silence means guilty,even though India and U. S. both speak English, because of different value, culture and social environment, miscommunication may exists; on the plus side, it is the best way to understand the need or complain of Coke's consumers. 1) MNCs should overcome Parochialismââ¬âview the world through their own perspectives, and the simplificationââ¬âthe process of exhibiting the same orientation toward different culture groups. Because doing things the same way in foreign markets as they are done in domestic markets may arise more conflicts when involving in cross-cultural management. In this case, Coke prefers individualism to achieve their own value in India, while India is a society respect more about politics than business, Coke did not improve the relationships with bureaucratic offices and finally it brings trouble to Coke about the pesticide findings.MNCs should set up unique human resource management system to fit for local employees, improve communi cation effectiveness to reduce misunderstanding among multicultural groups in the company, for example, to provide language and cultural training, to improve feedback system. Internally, to select CSR practices that fit with the company's existing capabilities; externally, work with NGOS, pragmatically respect local culture and protect the environment.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Structural Theory Economics Essay
Free Structural Theory Economics Essay Structural Theory The structural theory of economic development is based on changing the economic structures of the developing countries from subsistence grounded economy to an industrialized and urban-based one (Bitar 43). The developing countries mostly practice subsistence production for their own consumption. In support of this theory, Sir William Arthur Lewis argues that the traditional agrarian system has a lot of idle labor that can be utilized in the industrial sector and be more productive. If the labor that is idle in the subsistence production sector could be utilized in a more productive manner in the industrial sector, then a country stands a chance of growth and economic development (Coleman, and Nixon 36). Hollis Burnley Chenery, also in support of this model, argues that the route that a state will follow in developing its economy depends on its resources, size, as well as its current income level and virtual advantage proportional to other countries. Hollis advocates that for a country to advance its economy, it must work from its level upwards. This means that a country must work to improve its current economic conditions to record an economic growth in the long run (Kalecki 78). Therefore, since most developing countries have high levels of illiteracy, high levels of mortality rate, and high level of food shortages, they need to work on eradicating these problems. For a country to industrialize it must have enough work force to supply the industries with labor; therefore, the levels of education have to be improved. In the industrialization process, the number of industries to be constructed at a time depends on the country size and its capital capacity. According to the structuralism, economic development is gradual and is achieved through the accomplishment of numerous smaller strategies (Kalecki 78). This theory has faced a lot of criticism because of its incompetence. The theory puts its emphasis on the shift from an agrarian system to an industrialized one. According to the critics, this shift would lead to heavy inequalities between the urban areas and the rural areas (Coleman, and Nixson 38). The urban areas would develop inevitably while the rural areas would be demising down. The assumption that there is a surplus labor in the agrarian sector is criticized since this labor is just seasonal and, if it were transferred to the industrial sector, the agriculture sector would collapse. The critics of this model point out that the model does not have a framework. That is, the model does not outline clearly what should be done to achieve economic development in the developing countries. Theories of Trade The Mercantilism theory argues that a nation may accumulate economic wealth through encouraging exports and dispiriting imports. The reality of this theory was achieved through government intervention, colonization, and trade surpluses. The colonizers are a good example of the reality of this model; they ensured trade surplus through exporting raw materials from the colonies to their home countries. They then exported finished goods to other countries and made it hard and almost impossible to import to their countries. Government intervention is realized through the imposition of tariffs or sanctions on imports and giving subsidies for expanding their exports (Bitar 43). The absolute advantage theory argues that a nation may accumulate economic wealth through producing goods more cheaply than another country, using equal or fewer resources. This theory implies that a country should produce what it can best produce. This model advocates that trade should be allowed to flow freely as driven by the market forces of demand and supply. That is, trade should not be restricted through imposing of tariffs, sanctions, or subsidies. It also points out that the main goal should be making cheap products available to the nationals in abundance, as well as ensuring that the living standards of the nationals are improved (Kalecki 79). Through this model, national wealth is measured by considering the living standards of the people but not the money the country has in store. The Importance of Trade Trade enables countries to learn new ideas from each other. When countries are trading with each other, every country learns from the other and receives mutual benefits. Each country has its field of specialty, different from that of the trading partners one (Coleman, and Nixson 37). There is transfer of economic ideas, which help countries grow and advance economically. For example, developing countries borrow construction ideas from the developed ones. Most developing countries have no infrastructure; therefore, in case of infrastructure construction, they borrow the ideas that were used to construct such a piece of infrastructure in the developed countries (Bitar 43). Secondly, through trade, countries are able to access and consume what it does not produce. Countries need to consume products, which they do not produce, or services not available in their country. In such cases, trade plays a major role in making these products, goods, and services available. For instance, the deve loping countries have shortages of skilled labor force; therefore, they have to import professional labor from the developed countries. Third, trade creates a balance amongst economies and reduces the risk of collapsing. If an economy was independent, and collapsed, it would be hard to revive it (Kalecki 78). With trade, countries are dependent; therefore, even if an economy threatens to collapse, corrective measures are employed early enough to remedy. Trade is important in the world economy since there is no single country that can make the world economy on its own. It is only through trade that any country realizes its economic wealth. Summary Rolls-Royce is a company that specializes on engines and has its branches located in Germany, the US, England, Asia, Singapore, and Alesund. Rolls is a thriving company in its operations and it is making remarkable profits through basing its operations on niche markets. Contrary to the other companies, Rolls is making investments in the high-wage countries. It decided to invest here because, in the high wage countries, it is getting government support and property protection of high intellectual property and information. It is facing stiff competition from renowned companies and governments. For example, as said in the article, China and India are eradicating thousands of engineers to boost their home industries. The major problem that Rolls is facing is the deficiency of skilled labor. The company is lacking technical skills that it is looking for in engineers. As a result, it is suffering from labor shortage. The shortage in staffs has cost the company millions of dollars since the company is forced to decline contracts. Rolls invest in Norway because of the support the government provides As stated in the article, governments support is vital if a company wants to do quality engineering. The government plays a significant role in protecting a companys intellectual property and providing an environment conducive for investment. Another reason for Rolls to move its plant to Norway; is that Norway is leading in improved shipping building in the world. With this withstanding, then it has better workforce skilled in shipbuilding. Although there is a shortage in staffing as compared to other countries, Norway is far much better. The third reason is that there is a great demand for marine engines in Norway because of its operation in the rough Arctic and the North Sea. Because of many breakages in the ocean, there is a great demand for marine engines today. With the increased water travel, there is a rise in demand for more ships and other marines. Therefore, this existed as a market niche, and it was a good opportunity for Rolls to utilize. Norway emphasizes on efficiency and knowhow over labor cost; therefore, the workers need to be skillful and educated. The Western countries seek to produce quality products; thus, they require train workforce that is rich in skills. In addition, the legal requirements for industry laborers demand skilled workers to reduce risks, as well as to produce standard products. In Norway, the wages are high as well as the living standards; for workers to be paid lavishly, they need to be satisfactorily skilled. There is the existence of the security system that is concerned with the welfare of workers, which governs the hiring standards. Through this system, Norway is able to ensure that employees the companies hire are qualified; hence, they can reduce the firing rates. In an attempt to satisfy the regulations of the security system, the companies do not hire employees who are not satisfactorily qualified to avoid the need to fire them soon after the hiring. China, on the other hand emphasizes on labor cost cut down and mass production over efficiency and knowhow. With the increased demand of the China made products both locally and internationally, skills in production have been less a concern. The China government is working towards improving the market of its local products in the local market. To achieve this objective, there has been a loose hand on the production regulations and requirements. Less skilled workers are paid cheaply; thus, the labor cost of production is cutting down greatly. This results in low prices products thus raising their demand internationally, although they are rather substandard one. The production requirements of China are favorable when compared to those of the Western countries; this gives a loophole for producers to be reckless and, eventually, unskilled workers get into the system. Chinas government does not give sufficient support for a business to thrive. Rishton, quoted in the article, asserts that, for a company to do quality engineering, government support is vital. Therefore, being an essential, it becomes hard for a company that deals with fundamental engineering to thrive in China. According to the researches outlined in the critique, most foreign investors in China are complaining of intellectual property security. China does not protect the proprietary information of foreign investors. The researches showed that investors lost millions of money because of leakage of their proprietary information to competitors. In addition, China is committed to training workforce to improve the value of its products; thus, this objective contradicts helping or even safeguarding the welfare of foreign investors. The government cannot protect the foreign investors since it is working towards improving the market of their local products. These intellectual properties are not secondary but basic ones Since these concerns have contributed to Rolls decision of not investing in China, they must have been basic to the companys operations. Having noted that staff shortages are a problem to the company, Chinas objective of training works to help improve its local products will complicate the shortage problem. Finally, leakage of a companys proprietary information to its competitors would cause great damages resulting in huge losses. The information of any company is its power and its advantage over its competitors. The leakage of this information is a huge blow to the company.
Monday, October 21, 2019
All About Ellipses
All About Ellipses All About Ellipses All About Ellipses By Mark Nichol Three dots. Dot, dot, dot. What could be simpler? Then why do those dots make so many writers dotty? The rules for use of ellipses are not as simple as they seem. But they are manageable. First, a definition: An ellipsis (from the Greek word elleipsis also the source of ellipse, meaning ââ¬Å"an ovalâ⬠is an elision of words that can be implied to mentally complete a statement; it can also mean ââ¬Å"a sudden change of subject.â⬠But the meaning we seek is another one, the grammatically mechanical one: Ellipsis and its plural form, ellipses, also refer to the punctuation marks signaling elision. (That word, from the Latin term elidere, means ââ¬Å"omission.â⬠) Despite the second meaning of ellipsis mentioned above ââ¬Å"a sudden change of subjectâ⬠ellipses are not recommended for this function. Ellipses signal, in addition to elision, a faltering or trailing off (in which case they are sometimes called suspension points), but to prepare the reader for an abrupt break or interruption in thought, use an em dash. The primary function of an ellipsis is to omit one or more inconsequential words from a quotation, as in this version of a sentence from above: ââ¬Å"Despite the second meaning of ellipsis mentioned above, . . . ellipses are not recommended for this function.â⬠(Note that punctuation, like the comma in this example, may be retained or introduced to aid comprehension.) Each dot is preceded and followed by a letter space. Word-processing programs have a single-character ellipsis, but this character, or three dots with no letter spaces, looks cramped and ugly; use the period key. Ellipses should not be introduced at the beginning or end of a quotation; however, if the source material includes ellipses in one or both locations, retain the characters. If an entire sentence is elided, four periods should be inserted between the framing sentences. The first, which immediately follows the last word of the preceding sentence, is the period ending that sentence. The other three, spaced as mentioned above, constitute the ellipsis. Note this example: ââ¬Å"Three dots. . . . What could be simpler?â⬠If a final portion of a sentence is elided, follow the ellipsis with a period after a letter space. The same technique is applied in the case of a comma or a semicolon. This elision of the preceding sentence illustrates: ââ¬Å"If a final portion of a sentence is elided, follow the ellipsis with a period . . . . The same technique is applied in the case of a comma or a semicolon.â⬠If an entire paragraph is elided, end the previous paragraph with an ellipsis following the period ending the final sentence; if, within a multiparagraph quotation, the beginning of a paragraph other than the first one is elided, begin the paragraph starting with the elision with an indented ellipsis. The two four-dot examples above illustrate the only two cases in which more than three dots should appear in sequence; an ellipsis always consists of three dots, but it may be preceded or followed by a period. A sequence of four or more dots otherwise appearing together is considered an unprofessional-looking error and should be avoided by any serious writer. An ellipsis may also be employed when a sentence is deliberately incomplete: ââ¬Å"Hamletââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËTo be or not to be . . .ââ¬â¢ speechâ⬠(though this could also be rendered without ellipsis) or ââ¬Å"If I were you . . . ,â⬠when the missing words are not considered necessary to aid in communicating meaning. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Does [sic] Mean?Confusing "Passed" with "Past"8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bated vs. Baited
Bated vs. Baited Bated vs. Baited Bated vs. Baited By Sharon The expression with bated breath is recorded as appearing for the first time in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice towards the end of the 16th century. It refers to having subdued or restrained breathing because of some strong emotion. The verb to bate, which means reduce the intensity of; take away; or lower in estimation or amount (an archaic usage), has long since disappeared from common use. So its no surprise that its often misspelled as baited. According to Merriam Webster, bait means to persecute, harass or lure. Heres an example to illustrate the two meanings: She waited with bated breath to see if he would take the bait. Here are some quotations illustrating their usage: the end of the year approaches, practically everyone in the fashion, beauty and interior design industries waits with bated breath to see what Pantone will proclaim as the official color for the upcoming year. (www.chicagotribune.com) the world - or at least, the American public - waited with bated breath on Thursday for the National Archives to release its final batch of records related to the assassination of (www.usatoday.com) Channel and blue catfish are good on hot dogs, shrimp, Spam, and frozen shad. Yellow catfish are good on juglines baited with live perch. (www.chicagotribune.com) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Talking"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?Present Participle as Adjective
Saturday, October 19, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
English - Essay Example n reputation and familial obligations subsequently struggled with his attraction to the middle-class Elizabeth Bennet, who despite such, refuses to marry for convenience, but for love. This sets Jane Austenââ¬â¢s remarkable literary masterpiece Pride and Prejudice. In this novel, Austen fosters insurmountable learning and wisdoms to its readers, especially on the perspective of the conditions of women and femininity as set in the 19th century England. It does not merely entertain and captivate the readers on the romance shared by its characters, but deeply embedded is Austenââ¬â¢s portrayal of womenââ¬â¢s circumstance during this era. An analysis will then be provided on women especially that of Austenââ¬â¢s women charactersââ¬â¢ condition in the aspect of social ranks and courtship and marriage as showcased in the novel grounded in true to life women conditions in England. The novel commenced with the arrival of the wealthy Mr. Charles Bingley, his family and his friend Mr. Darcy. The Bennets, with five daughters, were more than thrilled for their arrival since this will mean an opportunity for any of the Bennet sisters to covet a young and rich bachelor. The newcomers arrived at a ball, in which Austen establishes the characters by highlighting on Mr. Darcyââ¬â¢s perception and behaviour to those not from his social strata, and Elizabethââ¬â¢s perception or prejudice of arrogance towards Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley forged a relationship with Jane, the eldest of the Bennet sisters. Mr. Darcy, on the other hand, also acknowledged his attraction towards Elizabeth. Several circumstances ensued as Elizabeth has the opportunity to travel to Mr. Darcyââ¬â¢s residence, wherein she received Mr. Darcyââ¬â¢s first proposal, which Elizabeth has refused due to prior prejudice. Elizabethââ¬â¢s sister, Lydia, has then elopes with Elizabethââ¬â¢s soldier friend, who used Lydia to emancipate money from his agreement to be married to the sister. However, it was Mr. Darcy who paid Wickham instead of their
Friday, October 18, 2019
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Assignment Example In the job position the following things will be considered as vital: The title for particular job position Job responsibilities Critical success factors Official reporting link Supports, authority and assets needed along with accessibility for the job (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2009) Advertisement for Job Position After formulating the job description, there is a need to advertise for the job vacancy so as to inform the potential candidates regarding the job openings. Advertisement has emerged as a very significant and common basis for generating manpower in Human Resource Management practices. The advertisement for the post of nurse practitioner and medical records clerk will be given through online websites so as to reach a larger population or young candidates stating the specific position duties. It will be beneficial for appealing appropriate candidates for the positions. In the internet advertisements, the following information will be provided: A summary of job positions which includes fields of works and language requirements An explanation of obligations and accountabilities which classifies the major jobs to be performed by the employee The minimum qualification requirement for fulfilling the position such as educational certificates, special skills, etc The advertisement will be exhibited on one of the popular job websites named ââ¬Ëcareerbuilder.comââ¬â¢. The cost of advertising on ââ¬Ëcareerbuilder.comââ¬â¢ will amount to be around 390 USD/job. Thus, to advertise two posts for job advertisement the cost will be around (390?2=) 780 USD (Careerbuilder, n.d.). Selection Process The selection process will conducted in four phases, which are: Screening of Application Forms Before selecting employees, it is essential to lessen the candidates to a manageable amount. With this concern, the initial screening will be conducted with the application forms and resumes of the candidates. The accurate information will be assessed against the lea st adequate requirements with respect to job specifications. The statistical technique will be used for screening of application forms. After checking the measurable aspects of candidates, the reliability of candidates will be evaluated. Any gap during education years or any kind of indefinite information will be identified and followed up in the interview stage (Pattanayak, 2005). Testing After initial screening of candidates, tests will be conducted for evaluating the intelligence, aptitude and skills of the selected candidates. For the post of medical records clerk, aptitude test of candidates will be conducted with the aim of measuring their ability or underlying skills to absorb the given job responsibilities if adequate training is provided. For the post of nurse practitioner, achievement test will be conducted for assessing candidatesââ¬â¢ pertinent capabilities. The achievement test will be applied to varied series of nursing tasks ranging from patient care to clinical ac tivities. The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance on those tests (Bernardin, 2008). Interview Interview will be conducted for measuring the profile of candidates and associating it with job appropriateness. Interview is widely
Privacy-Enhancing Security Mechanisms Research Proposal
Privacy-Enhancing Security Mechanisms - Research Proposal Example There also exist some privacy-preserving protocols that are being widely used in different technologies, such as, wireless sensor networks, mobile computing, and data mining operations. In this paper, we will discuss the technique to design a reliable and efficient privacy-preserving scheme in order to ensure increased security of data over the network. Problem Statement The problem statement for the research paper is: "Design and analysis of privacy-preserving network and cryptographic protocols" Conceptual Framework Aim of the Research In realistic networked environments, data security is the main focus of the management. Although there are several protocols and security mechanisms available for the protection of sensitive information, yet the security of the networked environments cannot be fully guaranteed. Generation of a reliable secret key can play a considerable role in this regard which should encrypt and decrypt the data while ensuring data integrity and authentication. The re is a need to design and implement privacy-enhanced cryptographic protocols using private handshaking, which should be able to provide optimum security to the sensitive information being transferred using mobile and messaging services. We will focus on designing a new pair wise key management scheme, which will include the properties of digital signatures and blindness along with the use of private handshakes. The key management scheme will make use of Boneh and Shacham's group signature scheme to ensure privacy and security in wireless networks. Literature Review Das and Giri state that pair wise key establishment enables sensor nodes to communicate securely in a sensor network with other nodes with the use of cryptographic techniques. Bista and Chang state, ââ¬Å"Many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications require privacy-preserving aggregation of sensor data during transmission from the source nodes to the sink nodeâ⬠. Privacy is integral for wireless networks and ins tant messaging. Patil and Kobsa state, ââ¬Å"Inadequate support for managing privacy could lead to suboptimal use of IM and thereby undermine its benefitsâ⬠. Privacy-preserving network protocols play an important role in ensuring securing of data being transferred over the network. Privacy-preserving authentications achieve traditional goals as well as privacy of the authenticator and the verifier (Xu and Yung). Two of the main Privacy-Preserving Network Protocols include TOR and Off-the-record messaging. Off-the-record messaging techniques will be used because it enables private conversations over the wireless networks using the concept of encryption, authentication, deniability, and perfect forward secrecy. Cryptographic protocols will also be an important part of the research because they use such algorithms which ensure security of information over the network. ââ¬Å"For the past three decades, a wide variety of cryptographic protocols have been proposed to solve secure c ommunication problemsâ⬠(Shin). ââ¬Å"Modern cryptography is concerned with the construction of systems that are robust against malicious attemptsâ⬠(Goldreich). Cryptographic protocoal serve good when used in combinations, such as, ? 1, some ? 2s. ââ¬Å"Although cryptographic protocols are typically analyzed in isolation, they are used in combinationsâ⬠(Guttman). Lindell and Pinkas state, ââ¬Å"Cryptographers seek to make secure protocols as efficient as possible in order to minimize the performance gap between secure and naive
Robinhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Robinhood - Essay Example 2. Weaknesses: One of the notable weaknesses of this case is the type of associates Robin Hood has allowed into his organization. While he began allowing only men with a strong sense of justice and legitimate grievance with the sheriff into the organization, he veered from this policy. Believing that there was strength in numbers, he has allowed any individual to join; in these regards, itââ¬â¢s highly likely that a number of individuals in his organization are of questionable moral character and are more detrimental to the organization than beneficial. 3. Opportunities: There are a number of opportunities that Robin Hood and his organization have. The first of which is the control they have over the forest and its use as a route of transport. This has given Robin Hood and his men the ability to reap considerable property from theft and could potentially be utilized as a means of collecting consistent taxes from travelers. Another opportunity is the motivated nature of Robin Hoodââ¬â¢s followers; many having legitimate grievances against the sheriff they will be more dedicated and willing to go to extremes to see that they succeed and the sheriff fails. Finally, the baronsââ¬â¢ growing resentment with Prince John and their attempt to conspire with Robin Hood is a solid opportunity. 4. Threats: The threats include the growing size of Robin Hoodââ¬â¢s organization and the increasing difficulty in supplying the large number of these individuals with supplies. Another threat includes that of the potential of alienating the farmers that travel through the forest by charging them a tax. Finally, the last threat includes that of the potential that in conspiring against Prince John could result in failure and then cause greater amounts of retribution to be levied against Robin Hood and his band of men. There are a number of major issues that Robin must address. The first issue concerns whether
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Water Shortage In New Zealand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Water Shortage In New Zealand - Essay Example This research report contained valuable information which included statistics (numerical data) as well as textual information such as information about the websites visited for accessing the data on Territorial Authorities in New Zealand and their various policies and approaches with regard to water supply in the country. Hence in order to enable ease of data recording, interpretation, and analysis, the decision to use and design the excel spreadsheet was made. Another crucial task was to ascertain the number of questions to be asked. For this purpose first, a tentative list was prepared and matched against the research objectives. Based on this criteria a final list of questions was shortlisted. This included a range of information on water supply in the country categorized on the basis of territorial authorities (TAs). A total of 70 TAs were shortlisted and questions such as whether the said TA offer advice on water conservation; whether they have a water meter in place, how much a mount of water is supplied to individuals as well as industries; whether the TAs have any plans to implement a water restriction; the existing state of water charge across all TAs etc., and among others. This paper makes a conclusion that the key purpose was to ensure that the questions asked helped in answering the broader research objective. The list of questions compiled was extensive and comprehensive and enabled access to crucial information regarding the state of water supply in the country.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Organizational Behavior and the Individual Essay
Organizational Behavior and the Individual - Essay Example Porter and Lawlerââ¬â¢s theoretical model on individual motivation is largely based on this theory, and identifies expectancy, instrumentality and valence as the critical elements of motivation. These elements are related to extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors which include praise, recognition, incentives, etc and intrinsic factors are associated with an individualââ¬â¢s psychological values associated with work, leaders and the self (Isaac, Zerbe & Pitt, 2001). This theory has been expressed through the MARS model by McShane and Glinow (2006, 2008) who describes individual behavior as a resultant of motivation, ability, role-perception and situational factors. Motivational activities at Verizon may be related to the critical elements of expectancy theory and heed to individualsââ¬â¢ material motivation in the form of external compensation and benefits; achievement motivation through internal rewards and recognition, and emotional motivation through a great work place for the employees. These in turn influence individual performance shaped by extensive training involving simulation, classroom instruction, and on-the-job training that define individualsââ¬â¢ role-perception, create ability and cover situational factors such as product knowledge, soft skills, time and budget, facilities etc (McShane & Glinow, 2008). Verizonââ¬â¢s training plays a significant role in attaining high customer satisfaction scores (Noe, 2008). McShane and Glinow quote, ââ¬Å"people rely on their ethical values do determine ââ¬Ëthe right thing to doââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (2006, p.33). For this, they attribute utilitarianism, individual rights, and distributive justice as the main requirements to foster ethics in organization (2006, 2008). At an organizational level, its culture is one of the main spheres where business ethics can have a significant impact on organizational
Water Shortage In New Zealand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Water Shortage In New Zealand - Essay Example This research report contained valuable information which included statistics (numerical data) as well as textual information such as information about the websites visited for accessing the data on Territorial Authorities in New Zealand and their various policies and approaches with regard to water supply in the country. Hence in order to enable ease of data recording, interpretation, and analysis, the decision to use and design the excel spreadsheet was made. Another crucial task was to ascertain the number of questions to be asked. For this purpose first, a tentative list was prepared and matched against the research objectives. Based on this criteria a final list of questions was shortlisted. This included a range of information on water supply in the country categorized on the basis of territorial authorities (TAs). A total of 70 TAs were shortlisted and questions such as whether the said TA offer advice on water conservation; whether they have a water meter in place, how much a mount of water is supplied to individuals as well as industries; whether the TAs have any plans to implement a water restriction; the existing state of water charge across all TAs etc., and among others. This paper makes a conclusion that the key purpose was to ensure that the questions asked helped in answering the broader research objective. The list of questions compiled was extensive and comprehensive and enabled access to crucial information regarding the state of water supply in the country.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Air Pollution and Automobiles Essay Example for Free
Air Pollution and Automobiles Essay The automobiles that we travel in everyday play a vital role in our lives. They get us around from one place to another on a daily basis. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agencyââ¬â¢s (EPA 2010) many studies show that exhaust emissions from these vehicles are the number one air pollutant in the United States. Air pollution causes many different issues that affect personal health as well as environmental factors. Over the years many different studies have been done by different people and agencies showing how reducing air pollution from automobiles can only benefit the earth. The government has been one of the largest advocates of lowering emissions from automobiles. Because excessive exhaust emissions created by automobiles is a major factor in air pollution, the government has enacted many laws and regulations limiting the amount of emissions vehicles may produce. Automobiles are a major cause of air pollution around the world. As the number of vehicles on the road increases, the amount of emissions from these vehicles increases. As of 2003 Leslie Miller shows that the (World Almanac 2003) reported that there were more than 107 million households throughout the United States (U.S. ) Leslie reported that the Bureau of Transportation statistics show that there are roughly 204,000,000 vehicles registered in the U. S. That produces a ratio of 1. 9 cars to 1. 8 people per household in the U. S. The number of vehicles registered in the U. S. has been doubling every five years. If this trend continues as it has over the past 30 years, by the year 2030 there will be approximately 1,200,000,000 (1. 2 Billion) vehicles producing some type of toxic emission into our earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere. The vehicles that we drive produce many different toxic gasses affecting our earth negatively. These emissions affect our environment and damage the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the process in which infrared rays are emitted from the sun into the earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere trapping heat that keeps the earthââ¬â¢s temperature in a habitable range. Toxic gasses from our automobiles released into the atmosphere do much damage to this natural process. As the gasses release, the atmosphere will deteriorate which allows the earthââ¬â¢s core temperature to rise. This process causes difficulty in farming as well as the melting of the polar ice caps virtually flooding the earth slowly. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most emitted gas into the atmosphere. The Environmental Protection Agency (2010) shows that cars release 76% of the CO2 that is present in the earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere. For every gallon of gas used by an automobile there is approximately 20 pounds of CO2 released into the atmosphere. CO2 is a heat-trapping gas released by the combustion process by our vehicles. (Cakmak 2006), Shows that CO2 is the largest contributing factor to the smog in highly congested areas around the U. S. The following is an emissions chart breaking down the source of the seven most common air pollutants. As you can see highway vehicles are the largest source of air pollution in the geographic area of The United States. The major pollutants abbreviations are shown below and correlate with the graph that follows. Geographic Area: United States Pollutant: Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (Nox), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Sulfur Dioxide SO2, Particulate (size 2. 5 micrometers) (PM 2. 5), Particulate (size 10 micrometers) (PM 10), or Ammonia (NH3) [pic] Emissions by Category Chart (Environmental Protection Agency, 2002). The exhaust systems on our vehicles also produce another pollutant known as hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are produced by our vehicles when fuel molecules in these vehicles do not fully burn and then travel through the exhaust system. In addition to these deadly hydrocarbons, Nitrogen Oxide (Nox) is another large contributor of air pollution in the U. S. today. The EPAââ¬â¢s (2010) studies links approximately 30% of the NOx in the atmosphere to the vehicles on the road in the U. S. today. NOx has been linked by studies to the formation of acid rain in our in our environment. Simply said the reduction of vehicle emissions will cause the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere to lower creating less negative effects on our earthââ¬â¢s environment and our health. Cakmak, Dales and Jedek (2006) says that air pollution has many negative effects on the environment as well as our personal health. Many respiratory issues come from breathing in the gasses released from automobiles. CO2 affects us by lowering the amount of oxygen our blood can carry throughout our bodies causing death in some cases. Air pollution is linked to lung cancer as well as lower birth rates that are common among people in cities that record higher vehicle registrations. The EPA has shown that these cities are at a higher risk for many health issues. Children residing in areas with higher concentrations of air pollution are three to four times more likely to develop asthmatic conditions. Automobiles are a major cause of vehicle deaths in the form of vehicular accidents. EPA (2010) statistics show that approximately 120 people are killed by a vehicular accident with each day that goes by. Many environmental issues caused by automobile emissions are overlooked by the average person. The acid rain produced from vehicle emissions has caused many bad health problems for humans. Acid rain is has been shown to cause eye irritation as well as coughing as well as asthma in more extreme cases. Urban smog in addition to global warming are the most common factors in air pollution. Smog is a product of different greenhouse gasses mixing together which produces a visible layer very close to the earthââ¬â¢s surface known as the ground ozone layer. The smog acts like a blanket around the earth trapping the harmful emissions allowing us to breathe them in each day. Over the years the effects of air pollution have been noticed by many from politicians to auto manufacturers. Many within these agencies have worked to reduce the emissions that our automobiles produce. One of the major changes in our society that created focus on the issues of air pollution caused by automobiles was the Clean Air Act of 1963. This bill was introduced to allow the government limited enforcement power over interstate pollution issues. In 1965 a Motor Vehicle Act was introduced. Melosi(2004) explains that this act allowed auto manufacturers the ability to practice stricter emission standards for new vehicles with government funding such as grants. In 1970 the acting president of the U. S. Richard Nixon, signed an amendment to the Clean Air act enforcing stricter fuel regulations on auto manufacturers. This Act was the most stringent air pollution law ever passed in the U. S. The Clean Air Act has been revised throughout the years to conform to stricter guidelines as air pollution becomes more of an issue throughout the U. S. The Clean Air Act was not originally designed to prohibit pollution; rather it was enacted to define an acceptable amount of pollution allowed to be emitted from vehicles. Despite the fact that the Clean Air Act was passed there are still major issues that emissions from vehicles create including health and environmental issues. Crabb and Johnson (2010) wrote an article in The Energy Journal showing the main issue that does contribute to the amount of emissions from automobiles is the fuel economy that is attained by each vehicle. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act established guidelines known as Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE. ) During President Nixonââ¬â¢s time in office the 1975 CAFE regulations were written to require manufacturers to obtain a corporate average of 18 miles per gallon (MPG) or higher starting with 1978 model year vehicles. Between 1985 and 1992 multiple adjustments were made to make the cafe regulations stricter. By the mid 1990ââ¬â¢s the government increased the MPG requirement to be raised to 27. 5 MPG corporate average. As we move forward in time the regulations have only become stricter for auto manufacturers. The year 2009 brought on many new accomplishments for the U. S. in that auto manufacturers began making newer models that will take us into the next decade. An article written by Tarlow (2009) shows that President Obama fought hard for his place in the White House, one of his main concerns being air pollution and the amount of emissions caused by automobiles. After being elected President Obama revealed a proposal for new CAFE regulations that will reduce emissions and further reduce the U. S. dependency on imported oil. The regulation that President Obama has proposed will require auto manufacturers to meet the strictest guidelines for fuel economy ever. Obamaââ¬â¢s proposal will require auto manufacturers to meet a strict 35. 5 MPG by the model year 2016. The following graphs show the minimum combined miles per gallon that manufacturers are required to meet and post on the vehicles. The graphs break down different types of fuel as well as the amount of CO2 released per mile driven. Chart 1 shows the requirements prior to the EPA changing the way they figure a vehicles MPG. With model year 2009 and newer the EPA became stricter when figuring MPG for different fuel types. Chart 2 reflects the new criteria with the stricter guidelines enforced. As you can see, the Greenhouse gas (GHG) score is higher as a vehicle produces less CO2 per mile. [pic] Chart 1 (Environmental Protection Agency, 2010) [pic] Chart 2 (Environmental Protection Agency, 2010) Meeting the strict guidelines does not come at zero cost. Meeting the guidelines will cost auto manufacturers no matter how it is broken down. The research and development in meeting stricter regulations does have a cost attached to it. On the other end if auto manufacturers do not meet the CAFE guideline the government has allowed civil liabilities to be charged. The liabilities allowed by the government may cost manufactures approximately $5. 50 for each tenth of a mile that they are under the minimum requirement set forth. The EPA (2010), reports that between the year 1993 and 2004, various manufacturers paid approximately $618 million in penalties. This report also included the fact that in the same period no Asian or U. S. manufacturers have ever been charged any penalties. Many have argued that the cost of meeting increasingly difficult fuel emissions has added cost to the bottom line value of a vehicle as well as slowing sales and potentially putting smaller car dealers out of business. Much research has been done in the area of estimating costs of incorporating better emissions equipment on newer automobiles. Initially, when emission regulation were introduced in the U. S. around 1970, many manufacturers were concerned that to meet the guidelines there would need to be costly research done to find the most cost effective practices to lower emissions. Crabb and Johnson (2010) show that many manufacturers estimated initial costs for catalytic systems designed to reduce emissions would cost approximately $3,000. The government challenged the manufacturers and discounted these findings proving that with some changes to the processes the cost can be cut down by two thirds the initial cost that was estimated. The government was able to show that the systems could be incorporated on motor vehicles for about $1,300. , which is significantly less than estimated. The EPA (2010), reports that many other agencies have conducted research regarding any issues caused by stricter guidelines from the government as well as the cost factor included. The Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) has not been able to document any negative sales because of the Clean Air Act or stricter guidelines. On the contrary, they have been able to show that the sales of new vehicles have fluctuated between 13 and 17 million new vehicles each year for the past 20 years and never declining below these numbers. Much of the fluctuation has been attributed to the changing economical times throughout the history of the U. S. over the last 20 years. Many believe that because diesel engines typically produce a higher rate of exhaust emission than gasoline engines, which may make it more difficult to purchase diesel vehicles in Clean Air States. Diesel engines are most commonly used on vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of more than 8500. The CAFE regulations do not affect the sales or use of these diesel vehicles. The more common everyday on-road use vehicles such as the GMC Sierra 2500 and 3500 series as well as the popular Dodge Ram 2500 and 3500 series vehicles are the vehicles that will feel the greatest impact on emission regulations. Passenger vehicles such as the Volkswagen Golf TDI are not currently certified under the California Air Resources Board (CARB. ) CARB is a set of standards that the state of California has enacted to control the amount of emissions vehicles registered in the state may emit. Many states followed California in adopting these strict standards that go above and beyond the government requirements. Massachusetts, Maine, New York, New Jersey and Vermont are some of the states that have adopted CARB standards for vehicles sold in those states. As more states adopt their own standards that are stricter than government guidelines, auto manufacturers have difficulty selling certain new vehicles in certain states. Many of the diesel engines used in vehicle applications do not meet the strict EPA and state regulations. In 2010 most new trucks with diesel engines will utilize Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) to lower the NOx released by diesel engines by injecting a urea compound that breaks down the NOx. Cummins, the worldââ¬â¢s second largest diesel engine manufacturer has met all emission guidelines that went into effect for all 2010 and newer model year vehicles since the model year 2007. This is helped to benefit sales for the companies that use the Cummins Diesel engine. One such company is Chrysler Corporation that uses the Cummins Diesel in their Dodge Ram Heavy Duty line up. Hirata shows that by using this engine Chrysler has been able to stay at the forefront in technology. As others struggle to find ways to meet regulations, Chrysler will benefit from the technology because their vehicles meet all regulations. The only change Cummins made was adding an inexpensive technology called Selective Catalytic Reduction to further reduce NOx emissions into the earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere. Other manufacturers utilizing diesel engines will be developing systems that require the addition of urea at an additional cost to the customer driving consumer cost through the roof. Cummins has the advantage that the prices for their system will not fluctuate as other diesel engine manufacturers prices will increase because of the cost associated with their new technologies. To reduce the emissions throughout the U. S., not only are the government and auto manufacturers responsible, we are each individually responsible to do our part in reducing the greenhouse gasses we contribute. The manufacturer changing the design of automobile systems is a key part in the reduction. The way we personally use our vehicles will also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gasses. Things that can be done on our part may include reducing the allowable amount of vehicles in an area by issuing quotas and permits for different areas. Many people have looked into the use of hybrid vehicles as alternatives to fully gas or diesel powered vehicles. Lowering the personal use of our vehicles as well as participating in car pools will fully reduce the amount of green house gasses that we individually release into the atmosphere. In doing the things necessary to lower emission we must be proactive and take an interest in the positive things that will benefit us by reducing the amount of emissions. Although the government has worked with auto manufacturers to reduce vehicle emissions, our cars still produce toxic emissions into the air. With the increasing regulations on fuel economy we will only benefit from less emissions being released into the air. Many things may be done on a consumer level as well. We have access to alternative fuels such as E-85 (ethanol) which comes from corn as well as compressed natural gas which releases very little emissions if any. The government and auto manufacturers are always looking for ways to reduce emission further. As time goes on unless we completely stop using automobiles we will still be faced with the release of toxic emissions from automobile exhaust systems. The available resources will always become better as time goes on and companies create the next best thing to reduce the amount of emissions released by their vehicles. The only way to ensure that our children have a cleaner environment is by educating them with the necessary information that will allow a greener environment over the years to come. References Cakmak, S. , Dales, R E, Judek, S. (Jan-Feb 2006). Respiratory health effects of air pollution gases: modification by education and income. (Author abstract). Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 61, 1. p. 5(6). Retrieved January 22, 2010, from General OneFile via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/gps/start. do? prodId=IPSuserGrou pName=uphoenix Crabb, J. , Johnson, D.. (2010). Fueling Innovation: The Impact of Oil Prices and CAFE Standards on Energy-Efficient Automotive Technology. The Energy Journal, 31(1), 199- 216. Retrieved January 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1942210741). Environmental Protection Agency. (2010) [Graphs that show Greenhouse Gas Score Criteria that vehicles must meet as per the EPA regulations on emissions. ] Greenhouse Gas Scores. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/greenvehicles/Aboutratings. do Environmental Protection Agency. (2002) [This is a picture of a chart breaking down the sources of the 7 major air pollutants in the United States] Air Data. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/cgi- bin/broker? _service=airdata_program=progs. webprogs. emcatbar. scl_debug=2 geotype=usgeocode=usageoname=United+Statesepol=CO+NOX+VOC+SO2+PM 25+PM10+NH3years=2002mapsize=zscreqtype=viewmap Hirata, K. , Masaki, N. , Yano, M. , Akagawa, H. , Takada, K. , Kusaka, J. , Mori, T.. (2009). Development of an improved urea-selective catalytic reduction-diesel particulate filter system for heavy-duty commercial vehicles. International Journal of Engine Research: SPECIAL ISSUE ON EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR DIESELS, 10(5), 337-348. Retrieved January 22, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1873528061). Melosi, M. (2004). The Automobile and the Enviornment in American History. Retrieved from http://www. autolife. umd. umich. edu/Environment/E_Overview/E_Overview1. htm Tarlow, S. (2009). President Obamaââ¬â¢s CAFE Standards Will Reduce Auto Emissions. Retrieved from http://personalmoneystore. com/moneyblog/2009/05/19/cafe-standards-car- emissions/ U. S. Enviornmental Protection Agency. (2010). Air Pollution Effects. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/ebtpages/airairpollutioneffects. html.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Ethics Of Dark Tourism
The Ethics Of Dark Tourism The Anne Frank Organisation (2006) states that in 2004, 936,000 visitors visited the house that used to be Anne Franks, a Jewish girl who among other Jews were murdered in the time of Hitlers fascism. Among this timeframe, Auschwitz, a concentration camp based in Poland which became a symbol of genocide, annually receives 750,000 visitors (Yuill, 2003) coming close to the annual 900,000 visitors to Dachau (Lippard, 1999). All these sites and many more which are similar, are what are called sites for dark tourism (Lennon and Foley, 2000), also known as Thanatourism (Seaton, 1996 cited in Ryan et al, 2005) and Black Spots (Rojek, 1997). This form of tourism is what Seaton (1999) defines as sites and attractions that are associated with deaths, acts of violence, scenes of death and crimes against humanity. With the popularity of this form of tourism growing within the horror tourism market (Tunbridge and Ashworth, 1996), the ethical issues surrounding it will need to be questioned. With the consumers and providers taking part in this growth of dark tourism, both their potentially contrasting ethical views towards dark tourism may be different. Whereas a providers means of preserving history is to charge people to maintain its upkeep, the consumers may see it as money making scheme in the expense of the deceased lives of the site. Whereas the providers means of letting people know its history is through interpretation of vulgar images, may seem unethically distasteful for consumers. Therefore, using Stone (2006)s shades of darkness spectrum as a tool for measuring different levels of dark tourism sites, these two main issues will be critically examined in depth, and in both the consumers and providers point of views to further understand the ethical dilemma of dark tourism. Dark tourism has often raised ethical debates about the ways in which leisure and pleasure are mixed with tragedy (Kempa and Strange, 2003), as many people think some sites for dark tourism is too sensitive to present it for the world to see. However, although this may be the case, it actually varies depending on the shade the site is supplying. This has been supported by Stone (2006) in which he believes that not all dark tourism sites and its supplies have the same degree of darkness and ethics. Stone (2006) believes that each site and what it supplies has its own degree of darkness, and depending on its criteria; it can be placed on what he refers as a darkest-lightest spectrum. On one side of the spectrum is what he termed lightest side of dark tourism. Sites belonging to this side of the spectrum tend to be fully commercial providers such as the London Dungeon, which Stone (2006) also term Dark Fun Factories, as its main aim may be more financial than educational. Stone (2006) further explains that although sites belonging to this side of the scale will be associated with death and suffering, it is not OF death and suffering. Therefore, sites at this lightest side will most likely be purposeful and entertainment based, with a lower degree of ethics surrounding it. However, on the other end of the spectrum are the darkest side of the spectrum, in which its criterias are completely the opposite of those on the lighter side. Stone (2006) explains that sites on the darkest side will be sites of death and suffering and its orientation will be to educate. Examples of these darker sites are which Wight (2005) class as primary sites, such as holocaust camps to sites of celebrity deaths, as sites on this side of the scale will be seen as authentic and non-purposeful, leading to a higher degree of ethical issues surrounding the sites at this side of the scale. One of these ethical issues is the notion of whether consumers should be charged to enter a site of death and with so much history. In novices and consumers eyes, it could be seen as unethical as they may see it as a means for providers to make profits in the expense of the deceased lives and history. Although this may be the case on sites within the lighter shade of the spectrum as it may be purely commercial, it is not always the case within the darker sites. Sites from the darker shade such as Auschwitz, the Gallipoli Anzac (Slade, 2003) and Robben Island prison (Shackley, 2001) are normally sites which are old and need continuous up keeping and staff. With this continuous maintenance, sites will need money to be able to continue to run its site and its historical contents. However, this also leads to the issue of how much. If a site charges just enough to afford the upkeep, then it may seem fair and ethical to do so. For example, according to Shackley (2001), the prison in Robben Island which Dann (1998) elaborates as a Dungeon of Death attraction, employs local people as tour guides, and their average weekly wage is à £10, which is the same amount as the entrance fees. However, if the entrance fees were to double, it will then be seen as profit making, thus, unethical as it is money making in expense of the past. By charging its consumers, it may also be a means of controlling how many consumers enter the site, as mass consumption of the site may lead to deliberate sanctification and loss of original identity of the site. Strange and Kempa (2003) agrees with this and further states that the commodification of history for mass consumption frequently leads to the trivialization of the site, and in turn causes deliberate sanctification of its history, as well as the loss of original purpose of why the site was built. An example of this happening is shown in the site of Machu Picchu. Johnston (2006) explains how ever since Machu Picchu was named a World Heritage Site in 1983, over 500,000 visitors started visiting the site every year, and to prevent deliberate sanctification, an entrance fee of $20 was put up. This in turn not only did not limit the number of foreign consumers from visiting, but also pushed the local people out of its own heritage site as they could not afford the entrance fees. Johnston (2006) continues to explain that this has contributed to the mass replacement of indigenous people with tourists around the site, causing sanctification and trivialisation of the site, as the original culture of Machu Picchu was gone. Despite all the motives that the providers have for charging its consumers, its clearly shown that it needs to be managed efficiently in order for it to work. Consumers who are consuming the product as experience and integration (Ryan et al, 2005) may agree with the notion of charging as it may feel like they are giving back to the deceased lives and the history of the site. Lippard (1999) explains this as guilt tripping in which consumers of this typologies may feel guilty of what happened in the past and may want to contribute towards the history in order to feed their conscience. Consumers consuming as experience and integration (Ryan et al, 2005) may be more sentimental than consumers that are consuming as play (Ryan et al, 2005), as the typology of play consumers will come from a Psychocentric (Novelli et al, 2005) background in which they may visit frequently to lighter shades of dark tourism sites but rarely to sites of a darker shade. Elaborating from this, it could be possible that consumers consuming as play may not be used to the dark history of the sites and may be shocked of its contents and backgrounds surrounding the darker sites, thus, may welcome the sanctification of the sites but not the notion of charging. Frequent happenings of this emotion tend to happen in what Ryan et al (2005) called Grey tourism supply, in which Ryan et al (2005) explains this theory as consumers with low, or no interest and knowledge in death and tragedy visits an intended dark tourism site. In this situation, a consumer may not be aware of the dark historical contents of the site as they would not have previous knowledge due to its lack of interest, but upon arriving to the intended site and knowing its gore details, they may instantly be repulsed and shocked. However, this is rare as Seaton (1999) believes that dark tourism is consumer demand rather than attraction demand, explaining that if it was not from the high interests and demand from the audience, there will not be the dark sector of tourism. To some extent, Seaton (1999) may be correct and that the main reason for the existence of dark tourism could be from the high demands for dark tourism. However, for this to happen, the presentation of the sites may also be blamed for the high popularity of dark tourism. This is because Walter et al (1995) explains that even when consumers are interested in death and tragedies, for tragedies to be given a real meaning, it needs to have a context by explanation, and sometimes through the personal stories of those people who has been caught up in it. This has been previously mentioned using an example from one of the darker sites of Robben Island. Shackley (2001) states that the prison site in Robben Island located in South Africa, employs ex prisoners that used to be held there. These ex prisoners are now acting as tour guides for its consumers, repeatedly telling each group of consumers their own personal experience of when they were held in the cells. Shackley (2001) continues to ex plain that the emotional welfare of the guides had not been considered and many of the guides felt obliged to continue with its employment due to lack of employment elsewhere. Although Walter et al (1995) did explain that consumers are interested in personal story telling, but ethically, should stories as sensitive as this be told repeatedly and personally from the own mouths of the ex prisoners? This may not only be ethically wrong, but also morally wrong. Blom (2000) agrees with this and states that interpretation as personal as this should be interpreted though technology such as information points within the sites. However, despite this, providers within the darker sites may not see it in the same way. Providers could argue that employees such as ex prisoners are getting paid and that they decide to be employed in this job role voluntarily. Providers could also argue that story telling from the mouths of people who have been caught up within the history of the sites are more rel iable and feasible than technology. This may be because stories that will be told from someone who has actually experienced and been there, may infact reduce the exaggeration of the contents of the history and stories, as well as being less biased than if technology was to tell it. By interpreting using technology, there could be a high chance that the information recorded into the technology is from someone with no relations to the site, thus, gives consumers wrong information. Also, this method of tour guides for interpretation may actually further benefit both the providers and consumers, as if the consumers had to ask a question about the site and its history, it can be answered immediately by the tour guides, delaying the time in which the consumers may form its own answers and judgements about the site. The views of the darker site providers in employing tour guides may also be the same for the views for providers of the lighter shade of dark tourism, as it may be required and expected by consumers to have someone to guide through the lighter sites, e.g. the fun factories (Stone, 2006). However, an implication that can arise from this is that within the lighter shade of dark tourism, the tour guides may exaggerate the actual history and stories behind the site in order to manipulate the consumers attention and encourage repeat business. Manipulation of consumers attention can also be done by the movement of original objects. For lighter shades of tourism sites to do this may be accepted, as previously mentioned before; Stone (2006) explains that sites of a lighter shade tend to promote any materials in order to attract business, thus, attracting profits. However, if a site of a darker shade decides to do this, the circumstances will change and it will become unethically wrong. For example, Wight (2005) states that in Auschwitz, the famous signage that read Work will set you free was moved from its original position to a location near the end of the tour to create a high point for consumers to reach a controversial conclusion to the experience. This can be a form of manipulation as Carnegie (2006) states that some sites do intentionally move objects in order to interpret the displays to contain central, recognisable, emotional and generic truths to the local audiences. This raises an ethical dilemma, as although prov iders may see nothing wrong with this as controversial conclusion may leave its consumers feeling the pain and tragedies of the past, but the ethics of this makes it unfair and unauthentic for its consumers. The main purpose in why consumers visit places of dark tourism in the first place is because they may want to experience the real truth behind the sites first hand, and thus travelled to the site to get this experience. However, when providers moves objects around to help stimulate consumers minds, it is made unreal as it is not how the history says it was, but how the providers want it to be. By moving objects, bits of history gets moved as well, and as time moves on and nobody moves it back to its original place, the origin and bits of history of it are forgotten, hence the deliberate sanctification of some sites and the movement of sites within the shade spectrum. The phenomenon of dark tourism is a difficult and delicate field to understand, but one aspect of it that is most understood is that it is increasingly growing in popularity, with thousands of consumers flocking worldwide to see these sites of tragedy. However, the ethics of visiting sensitive sites such as these are also growing, as questions such as whether to show or not to show, and whether to charge or not to charge are often questioned in both the providers and consumers point of views. To show these sites of tragedies may cause exploitation of local people as well as deliberate sanctification of the sites and its history, but to not to show, our history may be denied to us. By understanding the ethicalities of dark tourism, it will help in preserving its history and sites, so that it can then be better managed and better preserved and presented for the future. This in turn reduces the risk of exploitation of the sites and the way different typologies of consumers think. However, ethical issues do not stop at the grounds of the consumers and its providers, the sensitivity of the tour guides are also needed to be explored. As discussed previously, tour guides such as ex prisoners are sometimes obliged to relive their experience repeatedly in order for consumers to know the history. Although this may be one of the effective methods of telling history, it is important to consider the welfare of these tour guides, as the repetitive telling of their own experience may in turn contribute to further unethical dilemmas. Therefore, maybe to finally conclude on the ethics of dark tourism, it may be possible to state that ethical issues will always continue to exist around dark tourism, as long dark tourism itself exists too. However, the importance of the consideration of the ethicalities of dark tourism cannot be understated, and both consumers and providers may want to work together, if in the future, we still would like to know about our history through the form of tourism instead through textbooks and education.
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